Just wanted everyone to see my sweet sitter sisters! They are Katy (green shirt) and Emily (black shirt) Bersinger and they are the best! If it weren't for them I would have gone slap crazy by now. Katy comes a few times a week during the morning to help me out and be my second set of hands. We love to feed babies and watch Price is Right! Emily is her sister and she used to come just for "fun", but now I call and beg her to come too! It's definitely a two person job (at least!).
So these are the angels that watch my angels so that I can do fun stuff...like laundry, shower, workout, and occasionally go to a movie with my husband! By the way, the Bourne Ultimatum came out this weekend and it's really good. Don't go, though, if your stomach can't handle the steady-cam. It's pretty shaky during the chase scenes.
So glad that you have such great sitters!!!! I had to laugh when I read about the Price Is Right....would you believe that is the ONLY thing that got me through "SCREAMING COLICKY KELLY" in Puerto Rico? It came on every afternoon at 4:00pm (the only english program on tv)and I absolutely LIVED for it!!! Anyway, also wanted to comment on the "Bourne" movie. I watched one of the other Bourne movies on an airplane on the way to Oregon a couple of years ago, and decided that it involved WAY TOO MUCH THINKING for my brain. Maybe I'm just getting too old...but then again, I felt the same way when I was 20...could be that I am just simple minded........love you!
haha..Love it! I had to call Emily the second I read it to read it to her! Sorry this morning didnt work out..Im working at noon. But I go to work at 3 Thursday if you need me then. Otherwise Im working..busy week!
ps. You still put "Katy" lol
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