Saturday, January 10, 2009

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose

So I just checked out my sister-in-law's blog and she had a hilarious clip from 30 Rock's Tina Fey (check it out at Anyway, it made me want to blog about how excited I am about television right now. For example, tomorrow night there is a two hour premiere of 24, followed by another two hour episode on Monday night. Seriously?! That's like two free movies (and by "free" I mean the cable bill that's included in our outrageous homeowner's fees, as well as the extra $84 a month we pay for DirectTV because Ian got a widescreen HDTV).

But I digress. Thanks to DirectTV, though, we have gotten the sneak peek at the entire season of Friday Night Lights. It is about to come on NBC January 16th for all you common tv folk out there. I may have said this before, but this is by far the best show on television and I'm not sure if I can let you read this blog anymore if you don't watch it AND love it. It's that good and the acting's phenomenal.

As you all know I am a sucker for Dancing With the Stars which doesn't begin until March. I have to tell you, though, that I just need them to get some better stars than last time. Last time they were Super B List and didn't have much personality (except for the football player guy who was in the finals - I can't remember his name right now but he was the only interesting one). Susan Lucci and Cloris Leachman...don't get me started.

And, of course, Lost starts soon. I am just embarassed to say that I am addicted to this show. Notice that I haven't said that I love or even like this show...I'm just addicted. If you haven't started watching it then don't because it's so frustrating and you'll have to watch it every week - and maybe over and over because they answer one question and ask at least five more every single time. It's annoying. But it's interesting.

If nothing else, though, please watch 30 Rock. It's just genius and I am constantly amazed at the writing and delivery of the show. So so good. Friday Night Lights and 30 Rock...that's all I'm sayin. They will make you so happy.


Charlotte said...

I'm so jazzed about Lost I can't see straight.

Unknown said...

My demise will be a mcflurry machine...can writing get any better than that of 30 Rock? I am so glad that we see eye to eye on this and many many more things. Including Friday Night Lights, Lost, What Not to Wear, Jon and Kate Plus 8 and as soon as I can introduce you to it, the Miss America reality show on TLC. Pure reality show genius. LOVE UMS!

The Ward Family said...

UMMMM... I am totally obsessed with Fright Night Lights! my husband and I don't miss an episode :) It truly is the best show on TV !!!

Kelly H said...

friday night lights rules, thanks to directv. and so does miss america reality show, HI-larious.

Anonymous said...

um... absolutely LOVE Friday Night Lights.. we don't have DirectTV- but watched almost the whole season in one night while staying up with Banks at kelly's house!

Ashby Howard said...

Lost: Wed. Jan. 21, 8pm, ABC. And I agree, Buffy. Don't start now if you haven't watched all along. I have watched all the seasons more than once and am still confused...yet must keep watching!!

Curtis and Katie Chesney said...

I am so glad to know that I am not the only one that is obsessed with Friday Night Lights! No one I know around here watches it, and I think it's phenomenal. Finally a show that portrays a realistic, imperfect but committed marriage. They ACTUALLY love each other!