Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Everything's better with a stick of butter...

So this is what I did with my morning while the twins napped. Hilarious. Maggie is such a mess and I love her to pieces, y'all!


Anonymous said...

I always knew there was something special about Maggie....she's even got Paula's southern twang down pat--she just needs to giggle a little and tell us how much Miiichael is gonna love what she's cookin'!!!

Love Y'all,
Paula's biggest fan (aka Judy)

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA... can't stop laughing. love it.

Anonymous said...

that mags is unbelievable!!...and she's ours!...i agree with judy,the accent is the thing...love ums..nonnie

Unknown said...

How cute - what a trip!! She has got the best personality. Ya'll are so much fun - the girls and I were rolling. She has got the accent down pat. You go Maggie.
Love ya'll,
Beth, Caitlin and Cassidy

Anonymous said...

you could so take this girl to hollywood...so adorable...i can't wait to show emma when she gets home from school...we are in the maggie fan club-thanks 4 the laughs girl-you are funny just like your mama!! Love, Dana

Anonymous said...

Unbeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeivable. Who coached that accent??? What is amazing is that Maggie doesn't seem to know how entertaining she is!!! Totally unaffected. What a love!

Kelly H said...

please send that video to paula. i am searching for contact info because it's hilarious - Y'ALL

Anonymous said...

i'm with kelly on this one...got to get this to paula dean someway, somehow!!...seriously...

Stephanie Dethloff said...
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Stephanie Dethloff said...

Maggie is cute as pie! Just like her mommy :)
Love y'all.

Melissa said...

Buffy, We were laughing so hard. What a cutie pie! Abby went on to video her own cooking movie yesterday afternoon that she wants to send to Maggie. Just have to figure out how to do it... Melissa

Anonymous said...

Maggie has presence, that's for sure. The apple does not fall far from the tree, as they say.
