Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What's the prognosis?

I just got back from the grocery store, picking up Tori's meds, and the pharmacist saw that I had twins. She told me they were cute and asked how old they are. I told her they are 10 weeks and I also have a 4 year old. Her response was, "I have a girlfriend who has a one year old and just got diagnosed with twins. She's freaking out."

Diagnosed? Do I have some kind of disease? Sometimes it feels that way! But mostly it's just a blessing. I know people think it's impossible and wonder what in the world they would do with two infants. The truth of the matter is that you don't have time to wonder what to do...you just do it.

Thankfully the girls are smiling some and laughing a little. Zoe's been doing this for a while, and Tori just started smiling a bit, which is very gratifying. Tori has also made some cooing sounds, which is a refreshing change from her pterodactyl cry she makes off and on pretty much all day. Zoe is a coo-er, but she has a major set of lungs and is not afraid to use them to get what she wants.

By the way, this picture is of the girls wearing their onesies that Maggie made for them at her "sibling class" at the hospital before they were born. Aren't they cute!
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Unknown said...

i'd not even sure where i am...how did i find a blog? heck, what's a blog? i'm so confused. i need tech help bad.

just wanted to post something. love ya'll. booyah. greg-ty would be so proud.

Anonymous said...

So Bart has posted a comment on your blog!
Buffy we would just get along too well...one of my expenses that I know I can't afford but so want to continue is my subscription to People Magazine....any advice on that predicament?

Jeannie said...

That picture is 'major', Buff. They are growing SO big.
AND now that I'm having baby #3, I think twins would be a tough 'diagnosis'.
Love you!